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About Laura: Laura Hoffman is Associate Faculty at Saddleback College, serving as the faculty moderator for the Dorothy Marie Lowry Distinguished Guest Lecture Series, and teaches photography and art appreciation for the Emeritus program. She is an adjunct professor at CSU Fullerton, teaching art, design and at various college campuses. Laura majored in art and photography at Cerritos Community College, and later continued her studies at CSU Fullerton while launching her career in commercial photography and illustration. She later opened her own studio, specializing in glass, lighting, entertainment and crystal-prism photography. Laura's academic and creative work is published in numerous publications worldwide. Laura is a California native, living with her husband of 28 years and dachshund, Sarah.
Laura earned her Bachelors Degree (BA) in Studio Arts, her Masters of Fine Arts (MFA) in Illustration, and two full time cleared teaching credentials in Adult Education and Career Technical Education and worked in the creative arts industry since the age of 16.
UPDATE: Due to the current pandemic, all course material is shifted to Canvas through Saddleback College. This site will no longer be updated while we are on-line. Please navigate to your current class on Canvas for updated resources specific to each class.